Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Final Frontier

With the growing availability of technology that is available to today's society it has become incredibly important that today's teachers and schools are willing to substitute their old traditional beliefs on teaching and increase their willingness to utilize these new technologies in their classrooms and teaching styles.


  1. I think your introduction to the presentation and information about the article could have been a little longer at the top of your post. I think you have a lot of information on your slides, maybe don't make them so cluttered. Great charts, pictures, and video! Also, I think your survey goes along with your presentation very well.

  2. I think you did a good job with the lay out for this post. I would try not to make the wording on some of the slides just a little bigger because it was hard to read, but other than that! Fantastic job! It is thought out and very well done all in all with fantastic pictures and charts! :)

  3. thought the intro could have been a bit longer but the overall presentation was good

  4. I like the layout this was an easy to read powerpoint. I like all of the pictures and charts it really breaks down the info well!

  5. The video you added to your PowerPoint was awesome. My favorite part was when Katie Salen said they have a "bring it out when we need it, put it away when we don't" approach to technology. She said that there is a time when students can learn with technology, and times where they don't. That is a great philosophy to have and personally I think that is the approach I would use in my own classroom. Great job with this presentation!
